ITS European Congress 2023 in Lisbon reveals Plenary Topics

Plenary Sessions serve as the glue that binds the ITS Congress together. These high-level sessions bring together panellists and keynote speakers from various sectors, industry groups and domains to address cross-cutting topics. Important and influential stakeholder representatives discuss strategic and substantive breakthroughs in ITS, related to the Congress’ key topics.

Four plenary topics will bring the overall Congress theme of ITS: The Game Changer to life at the 2023 ITS European Congress in Lisbon.

Topic 1: Digitalisation – what can mobility users expect?

Topic 2: Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility: How green can you go?

Topic 3: Integrating road, rail, air and waterborne – multimodality by any means?

Topic 4: Managing urban mobility space – what can we expect from cities in the future?

These topics discuss the positive impact that innovation has on citizens’ lives, as well as potential drawbacks and how to overcome them. The digital and green transitions, two pillars of the EU agenda to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, are also central to plenary discussions.

To ensure that all Congress delegates can benefit from and partake of these interactions, no parallel sessions are planned during Plenaries. The sessions are open to all registered delegates. Discover below what the session will discuss.

Topic 1: Digitalisation – what can mobility users expect?

Panellists from across sectors, industries and domains will discuss some of the challenges and opportunities brought by transportation digitalisation. They will discuss the balancing act that may be required between data owners and data users as well as the goals of the public and private sectors, and whether access to services without data sharing is an option.

Topic 2: Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility: How green can you go?

The panel will bring together the perspectives of cities, public transportation operators, OEMs, and policymakers to discuss CCAM’s environmental impacts, based on recent findings, to determine whether it will contribute to, rather than detract from, the Green Deal and Fit for 55 policy goals. The panellists will give their views about the possible timeline for when the full impact of CCAM on lowering energy use and emissions will be felt.

Topic 3: Integrating road, rail, air and waterborne – multimodality by any means?

This plenary session will explore the role that ITS can play in balancing the societal wish for greener travel with the transport and mobility suppliers’ eagerness to maximise profits. Panelists will discuss how to overcome barriers, to a truly integrated transportation system, to provide travellers with a true choice of transportation modes.

Topic 4: Managing urban mobility space – what can we expect from cities in the future?

This plenary will discuss the role of mobility network management given the large number of transport modes and schemes competing to use urban spaces in order to provide benefit to users. With cities tasked with deploying and regulating smart mobility alternatives without suppressing innovation and competition while also protecting the day-to-day lives of their citizens, the panellists will consider who should orchestrate the mobility network management.

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